Sunday, December 23, 2007

Girl's Trip to Dallas

Before Christmas we took a family girl's trip to Dallas to do a little shopping. We had so much fun, Sarah drove and Ava was a trooper! I got to wear my sling for the first time, and Ava loved it! She was quite entertained by watching all the people walking around Northpark, then fell asleep while we shopped. We hope to be able to take a girl's trip every year.

We left really early in the morning, but Sarah was good to go with a quick trip to Mickey D's for a little caffeine. Ava and Leah didn't quite make it...

Ava loved hanging out at the mall with Nana!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Intro to Santa

This is Ava's very first picture with Santa. We took her to the mall 3 different times, but the line was always insanely long. 3rd time was a charm, we stood in line about 20 minutes while Ava slept, then woke her up right before her turn. She is usually pretty smiley when she wakes up, but I don't think she expected to awake to a large bearded man in a bright red suit :) She ended up have more of a "dazed" look, but we still loved it. Besides, the very first picture with Santa is priceless.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Gift Basket

This is the wonderful gift basket that Josh Baskin sent for Ava. Josh lives in California and we worked together at MC, but have kept in touch since he decided to change careers and become a big time lawyer :) Thanks, Josh, for thinking of us, we love the gift!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fun with Friends

Last night we went to Sam and Becca's for connection group, and Ava got to spend a little time with Bailey. The were so cute, they just sat and smiled and baby-talked to each other. They are about a month apart, so I think they are going to be best buds.

Chris had fun playing games with Sam while all the girls visited. Right before we were about to leave, Kyla decided to sing "Joy to the World" to Ava. She loved it! You can kind of hear it in the video, but Ava is talking to Kyla while she is singing. She loves music!